Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hey There

It's been a busy few weeks with nothing in particular taking up my time;  a whole lot of little things have consumed my days, instead, and there's nothing to show for it.

I suppose I could say that Peter and I finally got around to putting up the last of the river rock on our backyard sitting walls.  Those have been on the to-do list for over a month when we managed to put up the river rock on the two front-of-the-house pillars.

But that was just this past weekend and there's nothing else in the weeks between my last post leading up to now.

Nope.  My days have mushed together into...a past that cannot be remembered.  Sigh...

How about you?  Are you finding the days and weeks are zipping by with no clear evidence of what you accomplished in them?

Anybody out there want to chime in?

I'm curious to know who my one or two readers are.  Do you blog, too?  Are you a mom?  A dad?  A curious reader of blogs?

It's late, my time.  I am going to hit the hay.  Good night and be well.

Thanks for reading...maybe I'll have the pleasure of reading your blog, too.