Thursday, September 29, 2011


My dear friend Albert helps me get my home put together one week at a time, every Thursday.  Of course, having young kids around, within hours of him leaving, it seems as if things all go back to how they were before he came.  By the time my hubby Peter comes home, often it is as if Albert had never been there.

But he was.

And underneath the layer of toys and blankets and pillows strewn about the house and the dishes piled up in the sink and on the counter after multiplying exponentially, there is CLEAN.  There is change.  The kitchen floor feels good to walk on.  The pictures, the knick-knacks and the furniture sparkle & shine, no longer dull by a layer of dust.  The grout in the bathrooms are restored to their original color, no longer obscured by residue or dirty feet.  The toilets are beautiful.  The glass is so clear it disappears.  Fingerprints on mirrors are non-existent.  However, it's hard to SEE that with all the mess yelling, "LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!"

That's the way it is with change, too.  Subtle.  Unnoticed.  Obscured.  Hidden.

But it's there.

Tonight, I was to go to my husband's work for a meeting with the company HR person regarding the open enrollment changes coming up.  The meeting was scheduled right around dinner time, the kids were coming with me and Peter would still be there, so I had prepared dinner ahead of time, packed it up and was pleased that we got out the door with food-in-hand, kids presentable, and we left On-Time.  On-Time, I tell you! 

Twenty minutes before the meeting's start time, I was off the freeway and on the road, positioned to arrive about 5 minutes early, Peter called to confirm I was coming.  His tone was somewhat agitated which I mentally attributed to him wanting to make sure I got there on-time and I thought I would soothe his nerves by reassuring him that I was almost there.  Yes, I told him, I'm already off the freeway. 

He said, "You KNOW the meeting was from 6 - 7, right?  Not STARTING at 7.  ENDING at 7."


In other words, I am not early.  I am late.  Very, VERY late.  I arrive 3 minutes before the end of the meeting.


I'll conclude simply that the HR woman was quite gracious, very professional, and stayed longer to explain things to me while making me feel at ease.  I was very bummed, however, that I came off as being the Always-Late Me that I have worked so hard to change. 

But I console myself now by realizing that I am like my house.  My mistakes yell, "LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!" and the world sees the same old me, flaws and all.  But I know the truth.  I have made changes and deep down, I shine.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Something New

All good things start with a beginning.  This is mine.  I have never swum in bloggy waters before but as part of my personal goal of striving to become better, I decided an hour ago to jump in and give it a go.

And here I am:  writing my first blog ever.

I am Meridith.  I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of 3 kids, married for 13 years (TODAY!) to the love of my life (Peter), and an aspiring songwriter/singer.  

Truthfully, I am aspiring to become a better version of myself across the board  (more so than actively aspiring to make something of my music).
And that is what this blog will be about:  my journey of becoming BETTER.

You have many choices of how to spend your time & of which blogs you'll read, so I thank you for choosing to read mine.  Thank you!  That's pretty awesome of you!  Won't you leave a comment below to let me know you stopped by?  Share some words of wisdom?  And please, come back again & again!