Monday, September 26, 2011

Something New

All good things start with a beginning.  This is mine.  I have never swum in bloggy waters before but as part of my personal goal of striving to become better, I decided an hour ago to jump in and give it a go.

And here I am:  writing my first blog ever.

I am Meridith.  I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of 3 kids, married for 13 years (TODAY!) to the love of my life (Peter), and an aspiring songwriter/singer.  

Truthfully, I am aspiring to become a better version of myself across the board  (more so than actively aspiring to make something of my music).
And that is what this blog will be about:  my journey of becoming BETTER.

You have many choices of how to spend your time & of which blogs you'll read, so I thank you for choosing to read mine.  Thank you!  That's pretty awesome of you!  Won't you leave a comment below to let me know you stopped by?  Share some words of wisdom?  And please, come back again & again!   


  1. Happy Anniversary & good for you. As for your music, I've heard you sing since I was 10. Between choir & open mikes, you've always had an angelic voice. As a friend, some of the best advice I've received was from you. Between slumber parties & baby showers, I could always count on your smiling face. Darling, you already are BETTER. And I'm already a fan, of your music & of you...since the beginning. xo ~Jeanet

  2. Yay! I can't wait to read more from you. I've missed you!

  3. :) Happy Anniversary! You know I'm your #1 fan!
    Love, Claire

  4. I am so touched by you lovely ladies!!!
    Jeanet - I don't have the brought tears to my eyes!!! i love you!
    Denise - I've enjoyed reading your blog and have been inspired by you throughout the time I've known you!
    Claire - So blessed to have you in my life! We all love & adore you!
