Sunday, January 29, 2012

Year of Good Things

I started 2012 off ringing in the new year with family at my sister's home.  Next, a fancy dinner at a lovely restaurant with Peter's and my dear friends (adults only).  While enjoying that meal, I realized that we had not yet taken my in-laws out for an equally nice meal.  Instead, our "enjoyable" nights out have included our kids which, in turn, have included mandatory parenting (disciplining the kids in one way or another to curb a tantrum, a pouting session, bickering, boredom complaints, or some other form of action that typically creates stress in what should be a relaxing meal). 

As such, I decided that it was high time Peter & I took his parents out for a truly nice meal sans kids.  Not only was it long-overdue for us to take out his parents, but in our 13 years of marriage, I realized we had also never taken out his grandparents for dinner, either!  Hard to believe!  So, happily, that meal happened tonight and it was, indeed, a truly nice meal.  Three generations breaking bread and enjoying one another's company without unwanted interruptions or childish antics.  Brilliant!

The incredible piece of it is how quickly the years have gone by!  Thirteen years married and not once had we taken his grandparents out to dinner.  Not once had we taken his parents out to dinner without their adorable grandchildren.  How is this possible?!?

I'd like very much to make this year one of positive actions: doing those things which I have intended to do but have not actually gotten around to planning or doing; no longer being a slave to my life and instead being the master of it;  showing my love for the people I love through actions beyond my daily appreciation, to try to let them know how special they really are to me and how much I cherish them.

Action.  Plan.  Making time.  Coming up with a goal and working toward it.  Lists.  Taking specific steps to achieve a goal.  Putting it on the calendar and DOING it. 

I feel good about this evening.  Not only did I enjoy a delicious meal with people I love, I did something I have not yet done before.  How simple it was.

This year is off to a great start!


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